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Trusted by the leading institutions in the Arab world

Learn English Conversation on Broadway Online

Broadway Online is Broadway’s exclusive online educational platform. In fact, It’s not about using classic video lecture tools like Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Google Classroom, Rather, it uses an interactive platform to make the sessions more attractive. It is a simple and easy to use platform that does not require additional software installation. Even users who are not tech savvy can handle it easily. The Broadway online platform offers a full range of tools, Which:

  • Video conferencing  to ensure communication between the teacher and the rest of the class;
  • Sub-rooms to conduct communication workshops in sub-groups;
  • An interactive board for creating, modifying and presenting class materials, doing exercises and real-time discussion among participants;
  • Multimedia player for sharing lessons or accessing YouTube during live sessions.

Our Students' Reviews

Our approach in teaching english courses online

While the classical teaching method is based on theory, our curriculum focuses more on the best ways to learn conversational English. It is a practice. Classic English lessons focus more on mastering grammar rules to build the language’s spontaneity. Which is a method that may seem unpleasant and boring to students. In fact, The structure of any language begins with communication. Furthermore it, A 3-year-old does not learn to speak using a grammar-respecting strategy. Rather, by practicing it daily. So, Broadway has adopted a new so-called Flipped Learning method that allows students to develop their spontaneity through communication sessions.