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To learn to speak English: general communication

To learn to speak English: Master the basics of English to communicate and speak fluently

Speak English for General Communication with ease with Broadway’s unique General Communication English training program. The program is designed and adapted to your training needs. Thus, it guarantees you high quality service and quick success.

English for General Communication allows you to easily communicate orally and in writing in all communication situations in everyday life.

Do you want to learn to speak General English at your own pace, And progress from one level to another? All this without having to invest a lot of money and a lot of time in a week? Or do you not want to find yourself in an academic, boring, traditional class that prefers writing to oral? Wouldn’t you like to talk more instead of memorizing complicated, frustrating and unnecessary grammar? Or you are the ones who say: “This grammar is crazy”?

Whatever your level, beginner or above, do you always feel like you’re not progressing?
Have you decided to take English communication lessons, but the childish or youthful atmosphere in your class is making you so uncomfortable? You learned English, but you still don’t speak correctly? Despite learning the grammar, nothing stays in your head? Do you have the vocabulary you need to express, but still can’t form correct sentences?

Broadway General English is the right program for you to learn to speak English easily.

Reviews about Proficiency in the Basics of English and Communication


Description of the Basic English for General Communication program

This program enables you to acquire effective public communication skills and develop interpersonal skills. So you will be able to build good relationships with others, promote team spirit and engagement. Mastering general communication in English helps you to be more open to the world and broaden your vision of a highly developed professional environment. Thus you can work and interact in multicultural environments with ease.

The General English Communication program includes effective communication strategies that aim to improve understanding and verbal communication with those around you.

In fact, Many people have already studied a general English program at a language center, But without much progress; Because the most popular English lessons in language schools in the Arab world are General English lessons. It constitutes a mixture of knowledge of the English language on unspecified topics, It depends mainly on grammar. While the Broadway program covers four language skills, which are reading, writing, and listening. and talk.

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satisfied customers
+ 0 K
English speakers


The schedule for this program is set as follows:

2 sessions (2 hours per session)

From Q09 to Q12/ From Q12 to Q14/ From Q14 to Q17/ From Q17 to Q19/ From Q19 to Q21


Do you want to learn and speak English faster?

Discover our programme: ” Power English Speak English in 6 Months ” which allows you to speak English easily and quickly in only 6 months.

General communication skills

“Effective Communication” skills are included in all Broadway shows, Especially in Professional English and Everyday English classes. The aim is to enable learners to adopt and develop concepts of effective communication in their personal as well as professional lives.

Thus, the focus is on the following in English communication lessons :

  • Vocabulary related to each topic
  • structures
  • times
  • idioms
  • aerodynamics
  • American accent
  • Sober language and everyday language

That’s why Broadway’s Public Communication program allows you to learn and speak English fluently and quickly, Regardless of your level.


The Broadway Method for Teaching Basic English for General Communication

Broadway helps you take your first steps in general English communication and understand basic grammar so you can be fluent in English in a matter of months, and interact with others.

so, If you are still unable to speak English, It is because her traditional method of teaching favors written rules and exercises over oral communication.             
You surely hear this phrase often: “I understand the English language, But I can’t speak properly.” In fact, For many of those who dream of mastering the English language, Speaking is an insurmountable barrier.

on Broadway, We have helped thousands of people master the basics of the English language and enjoy learning and speaking English easily. Thanks to our exclusive General English program that prioritizes oral over written. Our teachers use the reverse method to allow students to develop language automation through oral expression rather than long and boring grammar lessons. Thus the Broadway method is to reverse learning through a preference for oral. You will be able to memorize language structures before writing them through listening, repetition and daily practice exercises.

on Broadway, Communication lessons are based on exchange and conversation in English. As a result, the class consists of a maximum of 16 people, To promote discussion and increase speaking time for everyone.

In order to ensure an easy, fast and complete learning experience, We have been keen on designing customized lessons that revolve around general and diverse topics. These topics alternate on vocabulary, grammar, conversation and listening before you finish writing.

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+ 0
years of experience

Book your demo courses on Broadway

You can book your trial lessons on Broadway to learn about the method of teaching adopted in it. Thus, you can take advantage of the general communication course before registering. So, Call us now on the phone to book your demo lessons.


From 09 to 18 – Monday to Saturday


Take your placement test for free and learn to speak English

Broadway has put the placement test free on their official website. This test determines your level of English in 15 minutes. and actually, It is essential to know your level of English before choosing the right program for you. Simply click on this link to take the free test or call us on the phone.

Frequently asked questions

To speak English for general communication, You must have a good grammar and master the basics of the English language. So Broadway helps you to communicate in English easily through oral communication lessons. Simply visit our website to choose the configuration that best suits you.

Communication in English may seem intimidating to many people. However, Correct expression requires a good formative program that values communication in the first place. For this purpose, Broadway has developed outreach programs unique to each category.